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Headmaster’s Newsletter 8 July



Tēnā koutou katoa!

Ngā manaakitanga o te runga rawa ki runga i a tātou, kia pai tō koutou wā whakatā, hoki oranga mai hei te wahanga tuatoru. Mauri ora nui

We are preparing for Chinese Evening as I write: if the dress rehearsal was a guide, the evening should be wonderful! I’m really looking forward to it. The Father-Son Breakfast yesterday was our largest-ever, and everyone enjoyed the words of Darren Shand, the All Blacks manager: he talked about individual responsibility, and about sharing the high expectations of those around you, about seeking out those who challenge you. It was a really good morning.

I should probably mention student achievement this week as well. We’re waiting for the national Leavers’ data to be published for 2015, and last week there were some inaccurate details published by a magazine. Last year, 94% of our Year 11 students achieved Level 1 or the Cambridge equivalent, 90% of our Year 12 students achieved Level 2, and 94% of our students achieved Level 3. As nearly all of our students stay in school until the end of Year 12, and around 90% of our students stay until the end of Level 3, these are results to make all of our students proud.

I hope everyone has a good rest this holiday, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back at the start of next term.

A B Reed
Acting Headmaster

All Blacks Manager Shand Impresses at Father Son Breakfast

If the sound of silence was anything to go by, All Blacks Manager Darren Shand certainly captured the curiosity of the audience at the 2016 Westlake Boys Father Son Breakfast yesterday morning.

The breakfast was the largest ever hosted at Westlake and all guests enjoyed a substantial breakfast before settling in to listen to “Shandy” reveal some insights into his personal career from Hawke’s Bay schoolboy to All Blacks Manager, a position he has held for 12 years.

During Shand’s tenure with the All Blacks, the world champion team have won two World Cup Championship titles and no less than six Tri Nations’ titles. They have been named IRB Team of the Year eight times. These results do not happen by chance and Shand shared with us a few insights into aspects of the team culture and leadership philosophies that are integral to the team’s astoundingly enduring success.

Shand’s presentation was titled ‘Performance Under Pressure’; this being the essence of what makes the All Blacks the best at what they do i.e. when the going gets tough, the All Blacks are trained to perform to their best rather than succumb to the pressure.

Shand himself served a lengthy apprenticeship in managing risk and unpredictable situations when, in the early days of his career, he held positions as a Queenstown-based white-water rafting guide and then, as Marketing Manager at Westlaker AJ Hackett’s famous bungy operation. He learned that risk is a perception, something that may seem death-defying, in reality, rarely is. Whereas something that can appear as fun, such as white-water rafting, presents some huge challenges in terms of responsibility for people’s lives!

The All Black culture must surely be the envy of teams the world over. Shand shared that the cultural X factors are defined by superior results that have distinctive impact with long-lasting endurance. The resulting performances deliver hard-earned enduring relationships and inspirational outcomes.

Read the whole article here, including:


Brain Bee Challenge

On Thursday 7 July, four Year 11 students (Stefan Ivanov, Victor Wei, Bill Song and Caleb Barr) represented Westlake Boys High School at the National Finals of the Brain Bee Challenge for 2016.

The Brain Bee is a neuroscience competition; students involved need to learn about brain architecture and function, homeostatic mechanisms, nervous systems, and other complex biology. The four-man team did not progress to the final on the day, but Stefan made the individual final where he held his nerve and emerged as the winner. He will now go on to represent New Zealand at the Australasia Brain Bee final in Hobart, Australia, in December.

Brain Bee July

Enviro Council Project

Our Enviro Council students, Kunj Mehta, Kunj Joshi, Haodong Bai and James Park have recently been working with Kaipatiki Project and Verran Eskdale Restoration Group, planting trees and learning about native trees, weeds and pest trapping.

The students plan to take part in further planting days on 9th July at Hobsonville Point and 13th August at Eskdale Reserve.  Further information can be found at:


July 2016

Westlake Production “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” 26-30 July 2016

Production banner

What: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
When: 26-30 July, 7.30pm – plus one Matinee on Saturday 30 July at 2.30pm (first week in Term 3)
Where: Westlake Boys Auditorium
Tickets: Adult $20; Student/Child $15; Family $50 – click here to order your tickets now!
In 2016 the world celebrates the 400th anniversary of the passing of arguably the greatest dramatic writer who ever lived: William Shakespeare. Westlake Boys’ and Westlake Girls’ have therefore combined once again to bring you William Shakespeare’s most popular and enduring comedy: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

This “…Dream”, however, will be quite different, as the production will incorporate both Physical Theatre and Tikanga/Te Ao Māori, to bring audiences a version of the play that is youthful, vital, energetic, playful and truly bicultural.   Unusually, the production will be played with the audience on three sides, partly simulating the experience of Shakespeare’s original Globe Theatre. Furthermore, the first row of each of the three audience tiers will be “Rumpus Zones”, allowing audience members close contact with the actors, as if they were groundlings at the Globe Theatre.

The production is brought to you by the same students and creatives who staged the thought-provoking and multi-award winning “Assassins”, by Stephen Sondheim, in 2015.

Click here to order your tickets now!

Date Change Westlake Boys 2016 Graduation Dinner – Friday 2 December

Please note that, as the result of a clash with another event that will impact many of our school leavers and staff, the date for the 2016 Westlake Boys’ Graduation Dinner has been changed. The event will now be held on Friday 2nd December from 7pm.

The original date, Saturday 26th November, is the date of the ‘Walking for the Stars’ event communicated by Steve McCracken last week as a fundraising event in memory of Bev Russell. With many of this years’ leavers and their families and several staff members wishing to support Keegan and the Russell family, it was decided to move Graduation Dinner to the alternative date of Friday 2nd December (Saturday 3rd December was considered but is the date of the ColdPlay concert at Mt Smart … another clash for many members of our school community!).

Westlake Boys’ Graduation Dinner offers an important opportunity to share a celebration that officially recognises the completion of the students’ years at Westlake Boys High School. This special event also presents an opportunity to officially farewell departing students and wish them well for their futures as Westlakers.

If you and your son are planning to attend this year’s Graduation Dinner make sure that the new date of FRIDAY 2nd DECEMBER is marked in your calendars.  Further information about the Graduation Dinner will follow in Term 3. 

2016 Leavers’ Gear – Sales Continue Term 3

Sales of Leavers’ gear will continue in the first week of Term 3.  Items for sale are:

  • Leavers’ Sports Tee Shirt – $30
  • Leavers’ Hoodie (with nickname) – $65
  • Westlake Graduation ring (sterling silver) – $95

Sample fittings will be at lunchtime in the Auditorium Street on: Tuesday 26th, Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th July (Week 1 Term 3).  From Friday 28th July samples can be fitted at the Uniform Shop after 1.00pm.

Year 13 students have been given order forms and letters outlining details of the merchandise and ordering process.  Spare order forms are available from the Uniform Shop.  Please note the following:

  • Orders and payments will continue until 1pm on Friday 5th
  • The order form must be completed and handed in with payment.
  • All mandatory school fees must be paid prior to any leavers’ gear being purchased.
Leavers Gear

Community Curriculum and Option Selection Evenings

Westlake Boys High School would like to invite members of our school communities to attend our 2016 Curriculum and Option Selection Evenings. We would like to meet parents of students who would like to learn a little more about New Zealand education, about how to support their son, and about how to help him make wise course choices for 2017 and beyond.  We are running four evenings in the school Staffroom. Each will last around 45 minutes.

  • 6.00pm Monday 1st August: Korean Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to help your son succeed in the New Zealand education system, and will be translated into Korean.
  • 6.00pm Tuesday 2nd August: Chinese Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to help your son succeed in the New Zealand education system, and will be translated into Chinese.
  • 6.00pm Monday 8th August: Māori Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to make important choices for your son’s future, and will also talk about helping our Māori students to achieve as Māori.
  • 6.00pm Tuesday 9th August: Pasifika Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to make important choices for your son’s future, and will also talk about helping our Pasifika students be successful in their studies.

We look forward to seeing you. These evenings will be a valuable way to learn a little more about your son’s education and will help you guide him as he thinks about his future.

Please let us know if you are going to attend any of the evenings. If you are going to attend the Māori or Pasifika evenings, please contact Mrs B Sutherland on bsutherland@westlake.school.nz or 09 410 8667 extension 703. If you are going to attend the Korean evening, please contact Mr K Ahn on kahn@westlake.school.nz or 09 410 8667 extension 789. If you are going to attend the Chinese evening, please contact Mrs J Fan on jfan@westlake.school.nz or 09 410 8667 extension 798.









如果你有意向参加其中的任何一个说明会,请您通知我们。如果您要参加毛利人或太平洋岛民说明会,请联系Mrs B Sutherland,邮箱bsutherland@westlake.school.nz或电话094108667分机703。如果你要参加韩文说明会,请联系Mr K Ahn,邮箱kahn@westlake.school.nz或电话094108667分机789。如果你要参加中文的说明会,请联系Ms J Fan ,邮箱jfan@westlake.school.nz或电话094108667分机798。

웨스트레이크 남자 고등학교

커뮤니티 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤

웨스트레이크 남자 고등학교는 2016 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤에 커뮤니티 회원님을 초대하길 원합니다. 현재 9~12 학년 학생들의 부모님들, 뉴질랜드 교육에 대해 조금 더 배우고 싶으신 분들, 자녀를 돕고 싶으신 분들, 그리고 2017년의 현명한 과목 선택에 도움이 되고자 하시는 분들 모두 만나 뵙길 원합니다.

행사는 4회에 걸쳐 학교 교무실에서 열리게 됩니다. 각각 약 45분 정도 진행됩니다.

8월 1일 월요일 오후 6시: 한인 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀가 뉴질랜드 교육 시스템에서 성공하도록 도와줄 수 있는 방법을 설명하는 행사이며, 한국어로 통역됩니다.

8월 2일 화요일 오후 6시: 중국인 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀가 뉴질랜드 교육 시스템에서 성공하도록 도와줄 수 있는 방법을 설명하는 행사이며, 중국어로 통역됩니다.

8월 8일 화요일 오후 6시: 마오리 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀의 미래를 위해 중요한 선택을 할 수 있도록 설명하는 행사이며, 마오리 학생들이 마오리로서 성취함을 돕는 방법들도 얘기할 것입니다.

8월 9일 목요일 오후 6시: 파시피카 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀의 미래를 위해 중요한 선택을 할 수 있도록 설명하는 행사이며, 파시피카 학생들의 성공적인 학업을 돕는 방법들도 얘기할 것입니다.

여러분의 참여를 기대합니다. 이 행사들은 귀하의 자녀의 교육에 대해 조금 더 배울 수 있는 소중한 기회가 될 것이며, 자녀가 계획하는 미래로 안내함에 도움이 될 것입니다.

참석하기 원하실 경우 학교에 알려 주시길 바랍니다. 마오리나 파시피카 행사에 참석하기 원하실 경우 bsutherland@westlake.school.nz 또는 09 410 8667 내선 703을 통해 Mrs B Sutherland에게 문의 하시기 바랍니다. 한인 행사에 참석하기 원하실 경우 kahn@westlake.school.nz 또는 09 410 8667 내선 789를 통해 Mr K Ahn에게 문의 하시기 바랍니다. 중국 행사에 참석하기 원하실 경우 jfan@westlake.school.nz 또는 09 410 8667 내선 798을 통해 Mrs J Fan에게 문의 하시기 바랍니다.

2016 Westlake Boys Grandparents’ Day

What: Westlake Boys 2016 Grandparents’ Day
When: Friday 5 August 2016, 10.00am-12.00pm
Where: Westlake Boys High School

Registration: Click here to register on Eventbrite (Please note that Registration is required for this event – thank you)

Westlake Boys High School invites all grandparents (and “adopted grandparents”) to join their grandsons for a morning at school on Friday 5 August 2016.

Make the most of the opportunity to share a morning with your grandsons as they accompany you to a school assembly, host you at a PTA-hosted morning tea in the PTA Conference Room in the Westlake Boys Gymnasium followed by a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the school.

For catering purposes, please register for this event on Eventbrite.co.nz by Tuesday 2nd August.

Grandparents Day heart
Register before Friday 29th July and go into the draw to win a night for two at the Spencer on Bryon Hotel in Takapuna, including breakfast!

Queries to the Community Relations Office: Vicki Fowler or Christine O’Dowd or phone 09 4101814

We look forward to welcoming you to Westlake on Friday 5 August!




如果您在7月29日周五之前注册,还有机会赢取在位于Takapuna的Spencer on Bryon Hotel酒店的双人含早餐住宿一晚。

任何问题请联系Vicki Fowler 或Christine O’Dowd 或致电09 4101814。


웨스트레이크 남자 고등학교는2016 8 5 금요일 모든 조부를 (입양 조부 포함) 손자들과 함께하는 행사에 초대 합니다.

손자들과 함께 강당에서 열리는 학교 조회, 새 웨스트레이크 체육관 내의 PTA 컨퍼런스홀에서 PTA가 주최하는 모닝티, 그리고 상세한 학교 투어의 기회를 놓치지 마시기 바랍니다.

음식 제공을 위해 8월 2일 전까지 Eventbrite.co.nz 사이트에서 등록 하시길 바랍니다. 등록 하실 때 손자들이 도와줄 것입니다.

7월 29일 금요일 전에 등록 하시면 타카푸나 Spencer on Byron 호텔에서 2명이 하루밤 묵을 수 있는 (조식 포함) 상품권 추첨에 포함됩니다.

문의 사항은 커뮤니티 관계 담당Vicki Fowler Christine O’Dowd 의 이메일 또는09 4101814 전화번호를 통해 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

웨스트레이크에서 8월 5일 금요일에 뵙기를 기대합니다!

2017 Enrolment Information and Open Evening

Information Evening – 6.00pm, Thursday 4th August 2016.

The 2017 Information Evening will include student-hosted school tours; sports and music performances and a general information session presented by the Headmaster. All prospective parents, caregivers and students are welcome to attend.

Year 9 Enrolment Dates

In-Zone Enrolments9th August 12 noon – 4pm and 10th August 12 noon – 8pm
Out-Of-Zone (Including Out-Of-Zone Priority Enrolments)17th August 9am – 4pm and 18th August 9am – 8pm

Out-Of-Zone Priorities

  1. Sibling of current student
  2. Sibling of former student
  3. Son of a former student
  4. Son of an employee of the school

Enrolment forms will be available for collection from the Westlake Boys High School main office or on our website from 25th July 2016.

Enrolments at other Year Levels

Limited places will be available in Years 10-13.  Expressions of Interest forms will be available on our website from the 25th July 2016 and must be returned to the main office before 21st October 2016.

Enrolment Information

2017 Enrolment dates and information are available on the school website www.westlake.school.nz

Enquiries to Michele Cain on 410-8667 ext 818.

Major Diary Dates:

8th July Chinese Evening, End Term 2
25th July Start Term 3, Course Selection Process begins
25th-30th July School Production “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
3rd August Class Photographs, Board of Trustees Meeting
4th August Year 9, 2017 Information Evening, 6.00pm
5th August Grandparents’ Day
8th August Whanau Hui, 6.30pm in WBHS Staffroom, PTA Meeting 7.00pm
9th & 10th August In Zone enrolments 9th 12-4pm, 10th 12-8pm)
10th August Late Start (students arrive at 10.55am)
11th August Gala Concert
12th August Westlakers Annual Reunion, 5.30pm, Gymnasium
17th & 18th August Out of Zone & OOZ Priority enrolments (17th 9am-4pm, 18th 9am-8pm)
22nd August – 2nd September Senior End of Year Examinations
29th August – 2 September Winter Tournament Week
31st August Board of Trustees Meeting
5th September PTA Meeting, 7.00pm PTA Conference Room, Top Gymnasium, Course Selection Process ends
7th September Closing date for Out of Zone enrolments
12th September Whanau Hui, WBHS Staffroom
14th September Ballot held
15th September Winter Sports Team Photographs
19th September Senior Reports issued
23rd September Senior Academic Prizegiving, End Term 3, CIE AS & A2 students leave
10th October Start Term 4, CIE Examinations commence
21st October CIE IGCSE students leave
24th October Labour Day – School closed
4th November NCEA Years 12 & 13 students leave
9th November NCEA Year 11 students leave, NCEA Examinations commence
14th November Late Start (students arrive at 10.55am)
18th November CIE Examinations end
21st-25th November End of Year Junior Examinations
2nd December NCEA Examinations end, Graduation Dinner
7th December Junior Prizegiving, End Term 4
9th December Junior Reports Issued

Westlake Sport  

Basketball Results 1 July

WBHS Premier 75 vs Mt Albert Grammar School 51

Just like the first match-up earlier in the season, the game was low scoring throughout the first half. Both teams were defending well and gathering their defensive rebounds. Offensively Westlake were moving the ball and creating good looks, but they were not always able to get the ball into the bottom of the net. Captain Isaac Letoa was leading from the front on the offensive end, driving hard inside and connecting on his jump shot from both outside and inside the arc. He lead all scorers at the break with 16 points; behind this Westlake was holding onto the lead by 7, 29 – 22.

Westlake came out of the halftime break keen to push their lead. Behind some impressive defensive pressure Lake managed to force turnovers and push the ball for easy buckets. The starting guards Letoa, Reuben Fitzgerald and Marc Malingin were too quick in transition for the MAGS defence and pushed Westlake’s lead into double figures. Beautiful offensive ball movement lead to a big 3-pointer from James Moors and his frontcourt mate Thabo Manyere grabbed a couple of easy buckets. Josh Hidalgo and Scott Telfer came off the bench and continued the momentum, playing some fantastic defence, forcing fouls and hitting shots. MAGS found it hard to contain Westlake in this period when they got out and ran. Westlake had pushed their lead to 18, and headed into the final quarter 52 – 34 up.  Continue reading here…

 Westlake Premier League through to CRL Semi Finals

League banner

WBHS Premier League (24) vs Wesley College (12)

Westlake Boys Premier League team secured a top four spot in the CRL competition for the first time in the school’s history by overcoming Wesley College 24-12 at their home turf. The team knew that they had to defeat Wesley and hope that other results would go their way to make the semi-finals in Term 3.

Westlake started poorly with Wesley scoring in their first set of the game but the home team replied almost immediately with a stunning 80 metre individual try to Ariki Hood Kaitapu. From that point on Westlake stepped up the pressure with a smart kick and chase game to keep Wesley at their end of the field. The pressure on Wesley told with Lotu Inisi crashing over deep into the first half to give the home side a halftime lead of 10-6.

The second half started well when Westlake scored early to extend their lead to 14-6. That lead increased shortly after when Zae Wallace scored taking the score to 18-6. Unfortunately, unforced errors saw Wesley gain more possession which eventually enabled them to score out wide and convert to reduce the margin to 18-12. But Westlake failed to fold under the growing pressure and scored a well worked try out wide by Ariki Hood Kaitapu, sealing the victory 24-12.

The win have rightfully earned the team a spot in the CRL semi-finals, making history along the way. The boys will now play St Paul’s College away in the semi-final next term, which will be a special occasion for Westlake Boys, the coaching staff and players. 

Click here to view photos

Rugby Results 2 July

WBHS 1st XV vs Rosmini College 1st XV by Trey Tupu-South

Rosmini managed to seize a close 15-13 victory over Westlake’s 1st XV this week, the tenth round of the 1st IV competition, thanks to the steely nerves and remarkable kicking ability of No.9 Conner Leather. The picture-perfect conditions helped Connor to convert 5 from 6 penalty kicks and in doing so devastate Westlake’s home field support.

After losing to Westlake earlier in the season, Rosmini demonstrated a clear determination to settle the score, utilizing the running strength of No.3 Leon Bongare to secure the front foot early on. Westlake’s defensive line performed impressively, with No.6 Tupou Afungia and No.13 Baylee Katipa performing powerful tackles, whilst No.14 Jack Fuller achieved numerous try saving tackles. Although Westlake performed well on defense, Rosmini were eventually awarded a penalty and another just one minute later. Leather converted both.

vs Rosmini2
On the back of this, Westlake heightened their pressure and managed offensive momentum. After managing to enter the opposition’s 22 for the first time more than twenty minutes in, the team managed to score through the fast feet of No.12 Fine Inisi, who took a blindside pass from halfback Jack Heighton on the 22m  and slipped through a two metre gap for a clear stretch to the line. Inisi showed good intelligence by taking the ball under the posts to ensure his team the lead. No.10 Cooper Green converted the try, placing Westlake ahead 7-6. Connor stole the lead back with one last penalty kick in the first half  from forty metres. vs Rosmini
Just before halftime, ill-discipline saw Rosmini’s No.12 Taine Wattie and Westlake’s No.6 Tupou yellow-carded. After a flawless kicking performance by Leather, Rosmini took the 9-7 lead into halftime.  Continue reading here…..

All rugby results here…

Rugby Congratulations:

Jack Heighton, Finlay Brewis, Blake Houghton, Fine Inisi and Lotu Inisi have been selected for the Blues Under 18’s camp and Harry Collard has been selected for the Blues Under 17’s with training days taking place during the holidays. 

Football Results 2 July

Westlake Boys High School (0) 1st XI vs St Kentigern College 1st XI (1)

Westlake were left frustrated ruing missed opportunities after a single St Kents goal saw the visitors take all three points in this Premier League match.

Both sides made a cautious and cagey start to the match that was played in brilliant winter sunshine. St Kents had the better of territory and possession but the Westlake defence looked solid. The home side threatened intermittently on the counter attack with Matt Conroy and his striking partner Drew Farnsworth worrying the St Kents defence with their pace and hustle. The match seemed headed for a half time stalemate but in the 39th minute the Westlake defence lost their concentration, allowing the opposition to play two wall passes to create a scoring chance from 12 yards which was duly taken by their striker.  Continue reading here…

All Football results

Water Polo Selections

The following students have been selected for representative Water Polo events.  The 14th Pan Pacific Youth Water Polo Festival will be held on 9-19 July and is the Southern Hemisphere’s largest Water Polo event involving teams from New Zealand and the Pacific.   The National Water Polo Championships is a large event where clubs put forward their top age group teams and New Zealand representatives are selected for age groups playing Australian teams. NZ Water Polo
  • Samuel Lee – Pan Pacs and Nationals for North Harbour U14A and in the NH Year 9 Talented Academy Programme.
  • Jake Scott – NHWP U14 B team Pan Pacs tournament and NHWP Year 9 Talented Academy Programme.
  • James Tyras – North Harbour team goal keeper travelling to Hawaii.  James is also in the North Harbour U16 B team competing in the Pan Pacs as goalie. The same team will be in the U16 Nationals in Sept/Oct. James is also part of the 2001 NZ regional training squad.
  • Hunter Pethers-Boak, Matthew Edwards and Blake Pavlovich are travelling on the Hawaii tour representing North Harbour. Blake is also part of the 2001 NZ regional training squad.
  • Alfie Daly – selected for the born 2001 New Zealand Regional Training squad.  Alfie is playing for Hibiscus Coast U16 boys in the Pan Pacs competition, and competing in the Nationals.
  • Korban Kirk – selected for the born 2001 New Zealand regional Training squad.  Playing for Hibiscus Coast U14 and U16 boys in the Pan Pacs competition, and competing in the Nationals.
  • Flynn Southcombe – selected for the born 2001 New Zealand Regional Training squad.  Playing for Hibiscus Coast U14 boys in the Pan Pacs competition, and competing in the Nationals.
  • Blake Readman – playing for Under 14 and Under 16 Hibiscus Coast representative team for Pan Pacs and competing in the Nationals.
  • Yoshi Saito – North Harbour U14A (or Maroon) will compete in Pan Pacs and Nationals. He is also in the NH Year 9 Talented Academy Programme.
  • Spencer McDowall and Ethan Thomas are in North Harbour U18A Men’s Team.
  • Liam Wedlock Aston selected for New Zealand born 2000 Squad playing Australian teams and playing for U16 and U18 North Harbour teams.
  • Corban Wedlock Aston – selected for New Zealand born 2000 squad playing Australian teams and playing for U16 and U18 North Harbour teams. 
Junior A Coached by Westlakers Andre Jackson & Owen Chambers

Junior A Coached by Westlakers Andre Jackson & Owen Chambers

Junior B Coached by students Logan Fuller & Shahid Dawad

Junior B Coached by students Logan Fuller & Shahid Dawad

Hockey Results 6 July

  • 2nd XI lost to Rangitoto College 7-2
  • 3rd XI beat Rosmini College 3-1
  • 4th XI beat WBHS Senior Red 5-2
  • Junior 1 beat Pinehurst School 4-0
  • Junior 2 drew with Rangitoto College 2-2
  • Junior 3 beat Albany Junior High School 2-1

Good luck to our 1st XI who will play King’s College on 26 July, and our Junior 4 who will play Takapuna Grammar School on 8 July. 

Indo Pacific Trampoline Championships

Congratulations to Alex Jarrold and Nathan Monkton (pictured) and who have been selected to represent New Zealand at the Indo Pacific Trampoline Championships in Napier from 18-25 October.  Trampoline gymnasts from around the globe will be competing in age groups from 11 years to adult, in individual and synchronised trampoline, double mini-tramp and tumbling disciplines.

Trampoline Selections

Junior Squash

The Westlake Boys Junior Squash team played in the finals on Monday night against Western Springs Gold and despite their excellent run up to the final, the team lost three out of their four games. The boys played well and regardless of the defeat, they all showed true Westlake Boys spirit and were humble in defeat.


  • Callum Hall 56 – 20 (Lost)
  • Alex Jarrold 19 – 36 (Lost)
  • Douglas Begg 34 – 32 (Won)
  • Jack Dittmer 22 – 36 (Lost)
Junior Team

Congratulations to:

Our fourteen students who competed in the Auckland Mathematics Olympiad held at University of Auckland mid May.  Jonathon Lee and David Yao both placed well in the Junior division and have received certificates. 

Good Luck to:

  • Our 1st XV who play Whangarei Boys High School on 9 July at Whangarei Boys High School
  • Our Premier Basketball team who play Rangitoto College at 7.30pm on 8 July at WBHS
  • Our 1st XI Football team who play Mt Roskill Grammar 1st XI at 12.00pm on 9 July at Mt Roskill 1
  • Our 2nd XI Football team who play Mt Roskill Grammar 2nd XI at 10.00am on 9 July at Mt Roskill 1
  • Our Cyclists who are competing in the North Island Championships (team time trials, road race and criterium) at Lake Karapiro on 9th and 10th July
  • Our Orienteering team who compete in the National Competition in Cambridge from 21 July
  • Our teams competing in the New Plymouth Boys High School Rugby and Football Exchange on 22nd and 23rd July

Westlakers News 

Westlakers XI vs Westlake Boys 1st XI Frittelli Cup Match, Friday 24th June 2016

Old Boys Hockey
Westlake old boy hockey players pulled on the familiar red, green and white playing strip when they represented the Westlakers XI against our current 1st XI in last Friday’s annual Frittelli Cup match.

The odds were against the Westlakers XI, victors of three out of four previous old boys’ contests. The all-star Westlakers hockey team, including several NZ Black Sticks and North Harbour Men’s representatives, did not disappoint their loyal spectators on the night.  With some ‘Harlem Globetrotter’ finesse reminiscent of yesteryear, the Westlakers XI, led by 1984 1st XI player Andy Worrell, simply outplayed their younger counterparts.

2015 Rankin Cup winning Captain and fellow team mates, Recent Leavers Mitchell Ottow, Benji Edwards and JP Rossouw (all New Zealand U18 representatives), donned the Westlaker kit for the first time and enjoyed the experience of playing alongside some of their old boys’ hockey heroes.

The highlight of the match was an impressive, cleanly-hit reverse shot at goal by Westlaker Mark Fordham. The shot rattled the back of the cage, only for younger brother Paul to do almost exactly the same just minutes after. At fulltime, the scoreboard read 9-1 in favour of the Westlakers XI. The win sees Westlakers retain the Frittelli Cup and takes the overall Cup score to 4-1.

All players and team management gathered for the aftermatch celebrations in the North Harbour Hockey clubrooms, sharing stories of Westlake Boys greatest hockey moments and browsing through a selection of historic Westlake Boys’ hockey photographs.

Old Boys Hockey2

Upcoming Westlakers Events

2016 Westlakers AGM

Wednesday 13 July, 6.30pm – WBHS Library


All Westlakers welcome to attend!

Wednesday 13 July, 6.30pm in the school Library.

Click here to register NOW or contact Christine O’Dowd on 09 410 8667 for more information.

If you have queries on any of the above events, please don’t hesitate to contact Event Manager Christine O’Dowd on 09 410 8667 ext. 786 or codowd@westlake.school.nz.

estlakers AGM

2016 Westlakers Annual Reunion – New Venue!

Friday 12 August, 5.30pm-9.00pm – Westlake Boys Gymnasium

Join us after work in the recently opened $5 million Westlake Boys High School Gymnasium.
  • Catchup with your mates and former teachers
  • School tours (5.30pm-6.00pm), including the new fitness centre, artificial turf, honours boards and our world class Auditorium
  • Storytelling of “tall tales and true”
2016 Westlakers Annual Reunion
Entry is just $20 per person and includes finger food and your first beer or glass of wine. Click here to register NOW!

If you have information and/or photos which you feel may be included in a future newsletter, please contact the Headmaster’s EA, Mrs Sandra White:  swhite@westlake.school.nz


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