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Headmaster’s Newsletter 29 July


Dear Parents and Families

Welcome back to term three. I hope that you all had an enjoyable break.

Well done to the cast and crew of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  It has been a memorable few nights’ performances.  Good luck with the final three shows, tonight, tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening.

Next Thursday is our school’s annual Information/Open Evening when we welcome prospective families to our school who are interested in enrolling at Westlake for 2017. The evening starts at 6.00pm. We encourage younger brothers of current students to come along to the evening, it plays an important part in their transition from Intermediate School into Westlake Boys High School.  For your information, we expect to have a limited number of places available in Years 10 and 11 next year.

Finally from me, next Friday is our Annual Grandparents Day. Last year this event was very well attended.  Further details are included in the newsletter.  The event runs from 10.00am until 12 noon.

Have a nice weekend.

David Ferguson

Barbershop Quartet Success

During the holidays Westlake Boys’ Barbershop Quartet, Virtutti, took first place in the Auckland Region Young Men in Harmony Competition.

Year 13 students, Matthew Bennett, Anthony Ji and Nick Curry and Year 12 student, Blake Scanlen were delighted to take the top spot with their entertaining performance.  This is the sixth consecutive year that Virtutti has won the regional competition and now they move on to the national finals with Westlake Boys’ other quartet, Deez Notes, to be held in Porirua in September.

Barbershop July

 Westlake Team in New Zealand Stock Competition

During the past two months, a team of Westlake students has participated in the New Zealand Stock Market Competition. The young men, Winston Yao, Lawrence Gao, David Lin and Sean Yang ended up second from 25 teams, winning a $550 cash prize. NZ Stock Competition

National Brain Bee Neuroscience Challenge Champion

Year 11 student, Stefan Ivanov from SM12 is the 2016 National Champion in the Brain Bee neuroscience challenge, having won the final on July 7th. Stefan will go on to represent New Zealand in the Australasian final during December in Hobart, Australia.

Stefan won a camera for himself, and a new 65-inch Sony Bravia 4k TV (worth approximately $6500) for the school.

Westlake Production “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Final Two Days!

Production banner
What: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
When: 26-30 July, 7.30pm – plus one Matinee on Saturday 30 July at 2.30pm (first week in Term 3)
Where: Westlake Boys Auditorium
Tickets: Adult $20; Student/Child $15; Family $50 – click here to order your tickets now or Door Sales available
In 2016 the world celebrates the 400th anniversary of the passing of arguably the greatest dramatic writer who ever lived: William Shakespeare. Westlake Boys’ and Westlake Girls’ have therefore combined once again to bring you William Shakespeare’s most popular and enduring comedy: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

This “…Dream”, however, will be quite different, as the production will incorporate both Physical Theatre and Tikanga/Te Ao Māori, to bring audiences a version of the play that is youthful, vital, energetic, playful and truly bicultural.   Unusually, the production will be played with the audience on three sides, partly simulating the experience of Shakespeare’s original Globe Theatre. Furthermore, the first row of each of the three audience tiers will be “Rumpus Zones”, allowing audience members close contact with the actors, as if they were groundlings at the Globe Theatre.

The production is brought to you by the same students and creatives who staged the thought-provoking and multi-award winning “Assassins”, by Stephen Sondheim, in 2015.

Click here to order your tickets now!  Alternatively, you may purchase tickets at the door.

Thank You from Auckland City Mission

Many thanks to our parent community, students and staff for gathering and packing up 10 boxes of goods for donation to the Auckland City Mission appeal last term.

City Mission Boxing

New Zealand Schools Japanese Trivia Championships

Ian Qiu, Forest Yip, Alex Weymouth and Zane Ayris participated in the second New Zealand Schools Japanese Trivia Championships on Friday June 17, 2016 winning 3rd in the Auckland region and 4th in the country.

The New Zealand Schools Japanese Trivia Championships is a joint initiative between NZAJLT and JSANZ (Japanese Studies Aoteaora New Zealand). Over 100 teams registered for this year’s event which was held at eight venues throughout the country.  All regions were sitting the quiz at the same time. Students used their cultural knowledge for a real purpose together, with other students of Japanese, that they would not normally have an opportunity to mix with.

Community Curriculum and Option Selection Evenings

Westlake Boys High School would like to invite members of our school communities to attend our 2016 Curriculum and Option Selection Evenings. We would like to meet parents of students who would like to learn a little more about New Zealand education, about how to support their son, and about how to help him make wise course choices for 2017 and beyond.  We are running four evenings in the school Staffroom. Each will last around 45 minutes.
  • 6.00pm Monday 1st August: Korean Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to help your son succeed in the New Zealand education system, and will be translated into Korean.
  • 6.00pm Tuesday 2nd August: Chinese Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to help your son succeed in the New Zealand education system, and will be translated into Chinese.
  • 6.00pm Monday 8th August: Māori Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to make important choices for your son’s future, and will also talk about helping our Māori students to achieve as Māori.
  • 6.00pm Tuesday 9th August: Pasifika Curriculum and Option Selection Evening. This evening will explain how to make important choices for your son’s future, and will also talk about helping our Pasifika students be successful in their studies.

We look forward to seeing you. These evenings will be a valuable way to learn a little more about your son’s education and will help you guide him as he thinks about his future.

Please let us know if you are going to attend any of the evenings. If you are going to attend the Māori or Pasifika evenings, please contact Mrs B Sutherland on bsutherland@westlake.school.nz or 09 410 8667 extension 703. If you are going to attend the Korean evening, please contact Mr K Ahn on kahn@westlake.school.nz or 09 410 8667 extension 789. If you are going to attend the Chinese evening, please contact Mrs J Fan on jfan@westlake.school.nz or 09 410 8667 extension 798.









如果你有意向参加其中的任何一个说明会,请您通知我们。如果您要参加毛利人或太平洋岛民说明会,请联系Mrs B Sutherland,邮箱bsutherland@westlake.school.nz或电话094108667分机703。如果你要参加韩文说明会,请联系Mr K Ahn,邮箱kahn@westlake.school.nz或电话094108667分机789。如果你要参加中文的说明会,请联系Ms J Fan ,邮箱jfan@westlake.school.nz或电话094108667分机798。

웨스트레이크 남자 고등학교

커뮤니티 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤

웨스트레이크 남자 고등학교는 2016 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤에 커뮤니티 회원님을 초대하길 원합니다. 현재 9~12 학년 학생들의 부모님들, 뉴질랜드 교육에 대해 조금 더 배우고 싶으신 분들, 자녀를 돕고 싶으신 분들, 그리고 2017년의 현명한 과목 선택에 도움이 되고자 하시는 분들 모두 만나 뵙길 원합니다.

행사는 4회에 걸쳐 학교 교무실에서 열리게 됩니다. 각각 약 45분 정도 진행됩니다.

8월 1일 월요일 오후 6시: 한인 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀가 뉴질랜드 교육 시스템에서 성공하도록 도와줄 수 있는 방법을 설명하는 행사이며, 한국어로 통역됩니다.

8월 2일 화요일 오후 6시: 중국인 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀가 뉴질랜드 교육 시스템에서 성공하도록 도와줄 수 있는 방법을 설명하는 행사이며, 중국어로 통역됩니다.

8월 8일 화요일 오후 6시: 마오리 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀의 미래를 위해 중요한 선택을 할 수 있도록 설명하는 행사이며, 마오리 학생들이 마오리로서 성취함을 돕는 방법들도 얘기할 것입니다.

8월 9일 목요일 오후 6시: 파시피카 교육과정 및 옵션 선택의 밤. 귀하의 자녀의 미래를 위해 중요한 선택을 할 수 있도록 설명하는 행사이며, 파시피카 학생들의 성공적인 학업을 돕는 방법들도 얘기할 것입니다.

여러분의 참여를 기대합니다. 이 행사들은 귀하의 자녀의 교육에 대해 조금 더 배울 수 있는 소중한 기회가 될 것이며, 자녀가 계획하는 미래로 안내함에 도움이 될 것입니다.

참석하기 원하실 경우 학교에 알려 주시길 바랍니다. 마오리나 파시피카 행사에 참석하기 원하실 경우 bsutherland@westlake.school.nz 또는 09 410 8667 내선 703을 통해 Mrs B Sutherland에게 문의 하시기 바랍니다. 한인 행사에 참석하기 원하실 경우 kahn@westlake.school.nz 또는 09 410 8667 내선 789를 통해 Mr K Ahn에게 문의 하시기 바랍니다. 중국 행사에 참석하기 원하실 경우 jfan@westlake.school.nz 또는 09 410 8667 내선 798을 통해 Mrs J Fan에게 문의 하시기 바랍니다.

2016 Westlake Boys Grandparents’ Day

What: Westlake Boys 2016 Grandparents’ Day
When: Friday 5 August 2016, 10.00am-12.00pm
Where: Westlake Boys High School

Registration: Click here to register on Eventbrite (Please note that Registration is required for this event – thank you)

Westlake Boys High School invites all grandparents (and “adopted grandparents”) to join their grandsons for a morning at school on Friday 5 August 2016.

Make the most of the opportunity to share a morning with your grandsons as they accompany you to a school assembly, host you at a PTA-hosted morning tea in the PTA Conference Room in the Westlake Boys Gymnasium followed by a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the school.

For catering purposes, please register for this event on Eventbrite.co.nz by Tuesday 2nd August.

Register before Friday 29th July and go into the draw to win a night for two at the Spencer on Bryon Hotel in Takapuna, including breakfast!

Grandparents Day heart
Queries to the Community Relations Office: Vicki Fowler or Christine O’Dowd or phone 09 4101814

We look forward to welcoming you to Westlake on Friday 5 August!




如果您在7月29日周五之前注册,还有机会赢取在位于Takapuna的Spencer on Bryon Hotel酒店的双人含早餐住宿一晚。

任何问题请联系Vicki Fowler 或Christine O’Dowd 或致电09 4101814。


웨스트레이크 남자 고등학교는2016 8 5 금요일 모든 조부를 (입양 조부 포함) 손자들과 함께하는 행사에 초대 합니다.

손자들과 함께 강당에서 열리는 학교 조회, 새 웨스트레이크 체육관 내의 PTA 컨퍼런스홀에서 PTA가 주최하는 모닝티, 그리고 상세한 학교 투어의 기회를 놓치지 마시기 바랍니다.

음식 제공을 위해 8월 2일 전까지 Eventbrite.co.nz 사이트에서 등록 하시길 바랍니다. 등록 하실 때 손자들이 도와줄 것입니다.

7월 29일 금요일 전에 등록 하시면 타카푸나 Spencer on Byron 호텔에서 2명이 하루밤 묵을 수 있는 (조식 포함) 상품권 추첨에 포함됩니다.

문의 사항은 커뮤니티 관계 담당Vicki Fowler Christine O’Dowd 의 이메일 또는09 4101814 전화번호를 통해 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

웨스트레이크에서 8월 5일 금요일에 뵙기를 기대합니다!

Gala Poster 2016

Conservation Biology trip to Indonesia 2-22nd July 2016

At the end of last term, ten students in Years 11-13 along with myself (Ms J El-Labany) and Dr T Holden headed off to Indonesia on a Biology Conservation Expedition. We flew to South East Sulawesi and spent the first week split between the Labundo Village and the remote Bala Jungle camp.

Indonesia 1

When we were in the Village, we were lucky enough to be able to stay in local homestays with families.  We learned how to use the traditional style bathrooms and became experts with the very unfamiliar procedure of how to use the ‘Mandi’.  This took a little practice shall we say.  We were lucky enough to be in the village to celebrate the feast during Idul Fitri and were treated to the most delicious array of Indonesian food and displays of local culture during this very special time for them. We were introduced to all the Scientists who were busy collecting their data and the other school group who would be with us from the UK, and began our adventures. This started with a series of lectures on the scientist’s projects ranging from bats, primates, snakes, birds, amphibians, small mammals and insects different, sampling and surveying techniques, after which, it was time to prepare for our 5 hour hike into the heart of the Rainforest to the Jungle Camp. We packed only what we would need for the next 5 days and as intrepid scientific adventurers, we set off on our journey.

Trekking up through the rainforest was just spectacular, with so many beautiful waterfalls and wildlife en route in contrast to having to avoid the treacherous sticky mud and tiny leeches which seemed to want to attack us from all angles. Whilst in the Jungle camp, all luxuries were left behind and we relished in being able to experience bathing in the river and sleeping in hammocks. Each day we would head out on a number of projects with the scientists and help them to collect data on the plants and animals they were researching.

Indonesia 2
We then left the jungle and village behind us and headed to the relative luxury of the marine reserve in Bau Bau, for the scuba diving and marine conservation component. Each day we undertook two dives and we received lectures from scientists regarding their work and addressed major conservation issues affecting the world and its oceans. We also learned fish, coral and invertebrate identification, along with how to survey the coral reefs and put this to the test on our dives.

After a farewell BBQ and party, it was time to leave the scientists and locals behind and head back to the much anticipated hotel and pool in Makassar. Here we had a few days sightseeing in the city and the surrounding area of Malino, taking in the sights, smells and atmosphere. What a truly magnificent experience.

Thank you to everyone who supported the boys through their dedicated fundraising efforts over the past 12 months. Without you, we would just not have been able to get there.

Ms J El-Labany, 2Ic Biology and trip organiser

An exciting opportunity for Year 10 students – Spirit of Adventure 5-Day Spirit Trophy Voyage: 19th – 23rd November 2016

The Spirit of Adventure Trust was established to provide New Zealanders access to a character development programme through sailing. You are being given an opportunity to develop the qualities of independence, understanding and community spirit through the medium of sea voyage. SpiritOfAdventureTrust
The voyage will be a valuable experience for all who participate and is a great opportunity to develop personal skills, team work, communication and trust, which are integral to future successes.

Interested students need to submit an application form which can be collected from Mr Tillett in Deans Suite. Applications due 12th August.

See the Spirit of Adventure website for more information: https://www.spiritofadventure.org.nz/

2017 Enrolment Information and Open Evening

Information Evening – 6.00pm, Thursday 4th August 2016.

The 2017 Information Evening will include student-hosted school tours; sports and music performances and a general information session presented by the Headmaster. All prospective parents, caregivers and students are welcome to attend.

Year 9 Enrolment Dates

In-Zone Enrolments9th August 12 noon – 4pm and 10th August 12 noon – 8pm

Out-Of-Zone (Including Out-Of-Zone Priority Enrolments)17th August 9am – 4pm and 18th August 9am – 8pm

Out-Of-Zone Priorities

  1. Sibling of current student
  2. Sibling of former student
  3. Son of a former student
  4. Son of an employee of the school

Enrolment forms will be available for collection from the Westlake Boys High School main office or on our website from 25th July 2016.

Enrolments at other Year Levels

Limited places will be available in Years 10-13.  Expressions of Interest forms will be available on our website from the 25th July 2016 and must be returned to the main office before 21st October 2016.

Enrolment Information

2017 Enrolment dates and information are available on the school website www.westlake.school.nz

Enquiries to Michele Cain on 410-8667 ext 818.

Students Using Public Transport

This is a reminder that students should use School buses where they are provided, and only use Express buses when it is absolutely necessary.

Would you like to work at Westlake?

We currently have two vacancies for important full-time, non-teaching roles. If you know of anybody who might be suitable for either of these roles please help us spread the word amongst our community.

Events & Communications Executive, Community Relations Department

As the result of Christine O’Dowd’s relocation to the UK, we are looking for a super-organised “people person” with superb writing skills to join our small team in the Community Relations Office.

The purpose of the events co-ordination and marketing communications role is to ensure that members of our community are provided with memorable opportunities to connect and re-connect with Westlake Boys High School.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Co-ordination of community events (e.g. Father Son and Mother Son Breakfasts; Graduation Dinner; Grandparents’ Day; Westlakers Golf Day and Reunion events)
  • Copywriting for media, websites, yearbook and e-communications
  • Social media content creation and execution – Facebook and Instagram
  • Relationship management with old boys, school supporters and parents

The successful applicant will need to be:

  • Super-organised
  • Efficient and productive i.e. a “do-er”!
  • Very kind and thoughtful
  • Positive i.e. glass half-full person
  • A proficient communicator – written and verbal communication skills are essential
  • Accustomed to working as part of a team in a demanding, deadline-driven environment
  • Self-motivated, adaptable and flexible
  • Some experience with Photoshop or similar, and an interest in photography would be a distinct advantage

This is a full-time, salaried position with six weeks annual leave per year (to correspond with school holidays). Hours are 8am until at least 4pm, five days per week. Extra hours are often necessary in the lead-up to events.

For a full Position Description please contact Community Relations Manager, Vicki Fowler on vfowler@westlake.school.nz or 09 410 1814.

 Applications must include the applicant’s current CV and a clear statement explaining why they would be suitable for the role. Applications close on Wednesday 10th August at 5.00pm.

Property and Maintenance Assistant

We seek a motivated person to join our Property Team.  This full time role involves property and grounds maintenance and other duties associated with the day to day running of our large modern school.

A reasonable level of fitness is required and all applicants will require a police clearance.

Please email your CV and covering letter to Jclough@westlake.school.nz.  Applications close 5 August 2016.

Major Diary Dates

29 July

Westlake Sport  

Squash Success at 2016 North Island Age Group Championships

July 2016

Westlake Boys premier squash team were hard at work and gained wonderful results during the school holidays.  Year 11 student, Gabe Yam, captured the boys Under 17 title at the North Island Junior Age Group Championships in Rotorua during the last weekend of the school holidays. With 190 competitors from all over New Zealand, the tournament attracted the most entries to date in over five years. Top seed in his age division, Gabe was dominant throughout and won all his matches without dropping a game all the way to the finals. Gabe was also the Under 15 champion in last year’s tournament.

New Zealand Under 17 number One ranked player, Matthew Lucente, competed in an age division higher, finishing third in the Under 19s. David Matthews improved on his eight seeding in the Under 19 division and finished the tournament in fifth spot.

The team continue to work hard and are determined to defend their New Zealand title at Nationals next month.

2016 NZ Secondary Schools Orienteering Championships

Orienteering banner

Six Westlake Boys students competed in the Senior Boys Championship section of the 2016 New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Championships held at St Peter’s School in Cambridge over the school holidays. The St Peter’s facility provided a top class centre for the orienteering event that was spread out over three days.
Congratulations to Ryan Williams who won a gold medal in the individual event and Andrei Popovici who won silver. In the Team Relay, Westlake’s number one team finished third and our number two team finished in fifth place. It was a great achievement with over 50 schools from across New Zealand taking part in the event.  Well done to all involved. 13775852_1391743024186156_917155275366136837_n
Results were as follows:
  • Sprint Race – Ryan Williams 3rd, Andrei Popovici 10th, Luke Mercieca 11th, Ashton Philo 16th, Oliver Lawrence 25th, Tayler Haynes DNF
  • Long Race – Ryan Williams 1st, Andrei Popovici 2nd, Ashton Philo 14th , Luke Mercieca 17th, Tayler Haynes 21st, Oliver Lawrence 31st
  • Relay Team Race – Team 1 finished third (Ryan Williams, Luke Mercieca, Andrei Popovici) and WBHS Team 2 finished fifth (Ashton Philo, Oliver Lawrence, Tayler Haynes)

Special congratulations to Andrei Popovich on his selection into the New Zealand Secondary Schools Senior Boys team who will compete against the six Australian states and the Australian Capital Territory in the 2016 Australian Schools Championships from 24 September to 2 October 2016 for the Southern Cross Trophy.

North Island Cycling Championships

Our Westlake cyclists competed in the North Island Schools Cycling Championships during the holidays at Mighty River Domain, Karapiro in the Waikato with the following results:

  • Jaydn Harris: 6th Under 15 Road Race
  • Senior A Team (Blake Sunde, Eamonn Jack, Reuben Soares, Finn Buckeridge, Chris Thomas): 8th Team Time Trial
  • Junior A Team (Daniel Maddren, Blake Scanlen, Nick Thomas, Ewart Bower): 8thTeam Time Trial

Congratulations to all the students who have trained hard and competed in this event.  The teams now look forward to further improvements and opportunities in Term 3.

North Islands 1

Sailing Success in The Netherlands for Tom Fyfe

Tom Fyfe July Netherlands
Westlake Boys Year 12 student Tom Fyfe and sailing partner Jackson Keon (Kristin School) competed at the 29er German Nationals Pre-Worlds in Medemblik, The Netherlands. The pair raced extremely well against a fleet of 80 boats, finishing in third place taking out the Bronze medals.

Currently the boys are competing in the 29er World Championships in Medemblik and after Day 3 have made the Gold Fleet with 228 boats competing. There’s still three days of racing to go to complete the long series of 20 races, in difficult racing conditions. You can click on this link for more information on the 29er World Championships.

Hockey Results 26 & 27 July

Tuesday 26th July  vs King’s College

Due to King’s College having an extra week of holidays, the original game date was rescheduled for Tuesday evening.  King’s were a very organised and tactically smart outfit but Skipper Keegan Russell managed to score from a breakaway when King’s were down a player for a two minute sinbin.  However, King’s recovered quickly and responded with a goal taking the score to 1-1 at halftime.  Westlake’s Netesh Sukha scored late in the second half and the team managed to hang onto the lead at the final whistle.

Wednesday 27th July vs Mount Albert Grammar School

Westlake played Mount Albert Grammar School away on Wednesday and went up 2-0 through early goals by Keegan Russell and Netesh Sukha. The team held on until just after half time, when MAGS came out well after the break to level the score with two goals.  It wasn’t until late in the game that Keegan Russell got his hat trick for the game and Craig Templeton scored another one in very quick succession to take the score line to 5-2.

Click here for all Hockey results

Congratulations to:

  • Joshua Feng ST05 and Oscar Guo MU06 represented North Harbour Badminton in the New Zealand Under 17 Junior Team Championships 2016 at Palmerston North during the school holidays with the team winning national titles.  Joshua has been selected to join the New Zealand Junior Badminton team to play Pan-Pacific Championships in September this year.
William Barnes Mastermind
  • Winston Yao competed in Wellington at the National Karate Championships and the National Secondary School Championships receiving Gold and Silver medals respectively in his age group. Winston also qualified as a Regional B-Grade referee during this time.
  • Alex Jarrold and Nathan Monkton have been selected for the New Zealand Trampoline Team to attend the Indo Pacific Competition in Napier during October.
  • Sean Yang (HD08) competed at the biennial Wallace National Junior Piano Competition as part of the International Piano Festival in July. Sixteen young New Zealand school-age pianists were selected by DVD audition to compete and Sean reached the final of the competition.  On 16th July, Sean also competed for Norah Howell Recital Award at Hamilton competitions.  From the six contestants, including four university students, Sean won the third prize.  http://www.lect.co.nz/wallace-national-junior-piano-competition-2016/
Sean Yang Wallace National Junior Piano Competition

Good Luck to:

  • Our 1st XV who play Massey High School 1st XV at 12.00pm on 30 July 2016 at WBHS 1
  • Our 2nd XV who play Mahurangi College 1st XV at 12.00pm on 30 July at Warkworth 2
  • Our 3rd XV who play Massey High School 3rd XV at 10.40am on 30 July at WBHS 1
  • Our 4th XV who play Orewa College 2nd XV at 9.30am on 30 July at Orewa College 1
  • Our Premier Basketball team who play Auckland Grammar School at 7.30pm on 29 July at AGS1
  • Our 1st XI Football team who play St Peter’s College 1st XI at 6.30pm on 29 July at St Peters 1
  • Our 2nd XI Football team who play St Peter’s College 2nd XI on 30 July at a time to be advised
  • Our 3rd XI Football team who play Rangitoto College 2nd XI at 10.00am on 30 July at WBHS Grass
  • Our 1st XI Hockey team who play Kristin School at 6.20pm on 3 August at Harbour 2
  • Our 2nd XI Hockey team who play Mahurangi College at 5.10pm on 3 August at Harbour 2

Westlakers News  

2016 Westlakers Annual Reunion – New Venue!

Friday 12 August, 5.30pm-9.00pm – Westlake Boys Gymnasium

Join us after work in the recently opened $5 million Westlake Boys High School Gymnasium.

  • Catchup with your mates and former teachers
  • School tours (5.30pm-6.00pm), including the new fitness centre, artificial turf, honours boards and our world class Auditorium
  • Storytelling of “tall tales and true”

Entry is just $20 per person and includes finger food and your first beer or glass of wine. Click here to register NOW!

2016 Westlakers Annual Reunion

New Zealand Youth Choir Takes Top International Prize

Westlake Boys’ High School Music Teacher and New Zealand Youth Choir’s Music Director, David Squire and Westlakers Jeffrey Chang (2007 Cultural Captain), Oliver Fetherston (2014 Cultural Captain) and Benjamin Tan and Benedict Tan (2014 Westlakers Red Blooded Award Winners), along with Westlake Girls alumni Luana Prictor and Natasha Wilson have just returned from a tour where they performed in Singapore, the Czech Republic, France and England.  One of the highlights of the trip was their win at the 24th International Festival of Academic Choirs in Pardubice, Czech Republic with the following results:

*Category A1: mixed choirs (1st place, Gold standard)
*Category B2: folklore of the choir’s nation (1st place, Gold standard)
*Category C2: jazz, pop, spiritual, gospel (1st place, Gold standard)
*Category C1: compositions of one style of art music (1st place, Gold standard)
*Special prize: outstanding vocal culture [i.e. blend, ensemble, vocal technique, choral tone]

The choir was then invited to compete and were ultimately named winners of the Grand Prix.  To participate in the Grand Prix, the five invited choirs were required to sing a completely new programme.

Click here for a clip from Te Karere last week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7DHPxm0qKk

And an article from Stuff:  http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/music/82054320/new-zealand-youth-choir-takes-top-international-prize

NZYC Group

Young Westlakers Aim For World Domination

You may have seen in the media of late that start-up company Spalk has been accepted into the Xone Business Accelerator Programme. Spalk, a platform that synchronises live streaming of sports events with alternative commentaries in different styles and languages, was co-founded by three mates, including 2011 Westlake Boys Leavers, Sam Viskovich and Ben Reynolds. Sam and Ben were both Deputy Head Boys and have remained close friends since leaving Westlake. Sam Viscovic
Spalk partners with broadcasters and live streamers to allow anyone from anywhere to commentate on any video footage of a sports game which Spalk delivers in synch with the live video. This means any single sports fixture could have 5, 10 (or as many commentaries as viewers demand), with broadcasts targeted according to language, level of knowledge or sports enthusiasts viewing at home from the couch!

Spalk’s Xone Business Accelerator grant is valued at a cool $150,000 and enables the young Westlaker entrepreneurs the unique opportunity to work within and alongside Vodafone, tapping in to mentoring and support as well as having access to a $19 million innovation lab facility.

The Westlake connection doesn’t end there. Two of the key figures behind Xone are also Westlakers – 2008 prefect Kevin Park (pictured with Sam in the photo) and 2010 Head Boy Ben Tan.

We can’t think of anything more rewarding than seeing our old boys reconnecting in the business world and making their dreams come true.

If you are interested in learning more on Xone (https://xone.vodafone.co.nz/) or fancy yourself as a Spalk commentator, sign up to Spalk at www.spalk.co.nz

 If you have information and/or photos which you feel may be included in a future newsletter, please contact the Headmaster’s EA, Mrs Sandra White:  swhite@westlake.school.nz


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