Dear Parents and Caregivers of 2017 Leavers,
Sales of 2017 Leavers’ gear will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, 4th July. We are pleased to offer a hoodie, which can be personalised with the student’s nickname, priced at $65, and a silver 2017 Graduation ring, priced at $95. Your son will be able to purchase these items provided all his compulsory school fees have been paid. You can see the items here:
and you can print the order form here:
Your son will have the opportunity to try different sizes of the hoodie and ring at lunchtime on the following dates:
Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th, Thursday 6th, Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th July.
Once he has confirmed with the school cashier that his fees are paid, he will be able to place an order at the uniform shop. Orders will be available for collection later in Term 3 (dates to be confirmed).