Papā te whatitiri
Kapakapa tū ana te uira
Ki runga Tāmaki e!
Te Kapa Haka o Ngā Taonga Kahurangi o Ururoto, the combined group from Westlake Girls and Westlake Boys made a convincing return to Polyfest in 2016.
After four hard weeks of practice Ngā Taonga Kahurangi o Ururoto gave a spirited performance at the Manukau Sports Bowl on the Māori stage sponsored by Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi. Polyfest in its 41st year Westlake Boys and Girls make a triumphant return. Led by Brieley Taueki and Pareaute McFarland and supported by Cecilia Molesworth and Alex Kim, the group gained 3 placings in the various sections and managed to come 4th overall out of 21 teams, and have given the group a great chance to be promoted to Division 2 next year.
On behalf of the group I would like to thank to Miss Nasey and Ms Le Flemming for their help with the costume for the boys, our whānau for supporting and being there at practices, Mr Ferguson and Ms Mexted our Principals, Mr Reed and Mr McCracken and staff for your tautoko and patience, and the group of tutors Te Paerangi Kopa, Te Niiwai Mutu, Kataraina Mutu and Whaea Brooke Allridge, no reira ngā mihi ki a koutou! We will start preparing for the next part of the journey, Te Ahurea Tino Rangatira o Tamakimakaurau, so the journey has begun and Westlake has found its feet again in Kapa Haka!!
2nd Mōteatea, 2nd Whakawātea, 3rd Male Costume and 4th overall
If you wish to view the performance, you can do so at this link:
Maori television also have a ‘People’s Choice’ award, so if you wish to, click on this link and vote for our group: