Thursday evening saw the hosting of the fourth Pasifika Celebration Evening. Guest speaker, Dr Puni, a prominent member of the Samoan community and Orator was relentless in the message to the students outlining that there is no replacement for hard work and to be respectful of the education they received. Westlakers and previous award winners Logan Poloai and Mostafa Yousseff reinforced this message and shared their experiences as they progress through university.
Pasifika Excellence award winner, Jaepeth Tiakia, spoke on behalf of the students, acknowledging the efforts of parents and family in raising our fine young men and allowing them the opportunities to succeed as Pasifika students.
The large crowd were entertained on three occasions with Miriam Yousseff from WGHS performing an exquisite Samoan song, Joshua Timiiti reciting a powerful piece of poetry and the combined Westlake Pasifika group concluding the evening with a traditional dance.
Acknowledgements also must go to our Pasifika Parents Komiti, in particular Pandy Fruen and Gladys Yousseff for making the night such a success.